About our foodbank
Providing emergency food and support to local people in crisis since October 2011.
Today in Birmingham there are families struggling to put food on the table. For people on low incomes, sudden crisis – redundancy, benefit delay or even an unexpected bill – can mean going hungry.
Every day parents skip meals to feed their children and people are forced to choose between paying the rent and eating.
‘Emergency food for local people in crisis’
Birmingham Central Foodbank provides emergency food and support to local people in crisis. The foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust‘s UK-wide network of over 424 foodbanks run by local churches working together alongside grass root community organisations, statutory agencies, frontline care professionals, schools and businesses to provide emergency food to people.
Central Ladywood is the base for Birmingham Central Foodbank. The project is led by Birmingham City Church working together with other local churches and agencies.
Working with frontline services
A report published in 2010 by the Department for Communities and local government shows Ladywood constituency in the top 10% most deprived wards in England and the most deprived in theBirmingham. In recent months frontline services in Ladywood have seen a big increase in demand for emergency food parcel support.
Birmingham Central Foodbank supports frontline services by providing emergency food parcels that will help to prevent family breakdown, housing loss, crime, mental health issues and increased poverty.
The areas of the city we cover
Birmingham Central Foodbank works with frontline agencies and support workers in the following areas (but not exclusive to): Ladywood ward, Soho ward and parts of surround areas including Hockley, Newtown and Lozells. We will also work with a selection of citywide agencies outside the area.
About Birmingham City Church
Birmingham City Church is a vibrant inner-city multicultural church not far from the city centre on the edge of Ladywood.
Over 40 separate nations attend each week demonstrating a real blend and witness of how people in a city can not only get on, but also work together to make a difference.
Birmingham City Church is part of the Elim Pentecostal movement which has 500 churches all over the country and a worldwide missionary movement. There is a warm welcome for everyone who visits and attends.
For more information contact Birmingham Central Foodbank by email: [email protected] or call 0121 236 2997.
Useful Downloads
You can download our Harvest Poster, Christmas Poster, Christmas Shopping List and finally our Food Collection Poster here.