
Holiday Hunger Project sees over 1.25 tonnes of food given to local families

5th September 2017

Our Holiday Hunger Project comes to an end and we have been able to give away over 1.25 tonnes of food (approx. 1256kg) to local families who have struggled financially over the summer.

HH 2017

Approximately 200 children and their families have been helped with a food parcel from Birmingham Central Foodbank.  Each family was referred by the Ladywood Community Centre or the local children and family centres.  Families who received a parcel were grateful and thankful for the extra support during a time when finances are stretched.   As well as 3 days-worth of nutritionally balanced food, children were given extra treats and sweets as well.

HH 2017 1

We could not have done this without the support of local organisations and businesses who so generously donated to the project.  We would like to thank (listed alphabetically):

  • Anthony Collins Solicitors
  • Arcadis Design and Consultancy
  • Arthur J. Gallagher & Co Insurance
  • Aston University
  • Barclays Bank
  • Birmingham City Church
  • Cross Country Trains
  • DWP
  • Gowling WLG Law Firm
  • Ladywood Project (general public)
  • Momentum South Birmingham
  • National Express, Digbeth
  • Royal Bank of Scotland, Brindley Place
  • Trowers and Hamlin Solicitors
  • University College Birmingham
  • Yell, Broad Street

In total approx. 1.8 tonnes of food was donated.  The excess in food will go towards local individuals and families who are referred to the foodbank throughout September.

Yell donation  BCC Juice 2

We would also like to thank RBS, Brindley Place, who very generously gave over £2300.  With this financial donation the Ladywood Community Project has been able to provide gas and electric to families who needed it.

Thank you as well to the Rotary Club of Birmingham, who so generously gave £500 to the project.  With this extra money we were able to buy specific items needed that might not have necessarily been donated.  This ensured that all parcels included everything and no family went without.

AC1  Cross Country

Thank You once again to everyone who has supported the project this summer.  You have made a real difference in the lives of local children this summer.

Ladywood Community Project

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